Me and my big mouth.
Within 24 hours of of my comment, Eli became a blathering fool. He must have been resting his lungs so that he could belt out hours of, "YAAAAAAAAAAAAHHhhh, AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHhhh, AAAAAAAAAOOOOOOoooh" the rest of the week. When he had our attention, he would sing to us. When he was by himself, he would sing to his toys or to keep himself occupied after waking up from a nap. On one particular lazy Saturday, Eli was hanging out on our bed playing with his burp rag, singing, and grabbing a hold of his feet (his newest and favorite trick) while I was folding clothes. He seemed very content in telling me stories (maybe has was talking to his feet; I couldn't really tell) and I was content in listening to him. All of a sudden I heard a loud, sharp guttural grunt come from Eli's general direction. I turn to see Eli laying there with a smile on his face looking back at me. I laugh at him and he smiled back giving another sharp grunt. What made it even funnier is that he had his chin tucked into his neck and he would tighten his entire body to make the noise through his nose. He looked a lot like a tiny Chris Farley. He continued to do this in place of a laugh as we joked back and forth. Of course, once I try to get some good video footage of him, he becomes more interested in the camera than in what he was doing to entertain himself a few seconds earlier. I think it may be the bright blue light on the camera that distracts him. Anyways, here's some footage of him playing with his feet and giving a solid grunt at the very end:
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