Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Eli Eats!

Now that Eli is starting to eat more than Kelvey's milk factory can produce, we decided it was time to get Eli into training for real food. We picked up some rice cereal as suggested by our pediatrician and mixed up a delightful little batch with Kelvey's milk. We strapped a bib on Eli, grabbed an extra burp rag for clean up, and braced ourselves for the most magnificent mess we've ever seen, but to our surprise Eli took to eating like Takeru Kobayashi takes down hot dogs. He must have been studying how Kelvey and I eat because he knew exactly what to do when he saw the spoon approaching with a tiny puddle of rice cereal on it. It was a little difficult at times when he tried to grab the spoon and feed himself but he was easily distracted with another spoon he could hold on to. Here's a clip of him getting his grub on:
We still have some more training to do, but I don't think Tubbs here will have much difficulty picking it up.

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