Thursday, February 25, 2010

Old Man River

This past Sunday was such a beautiful break from all the cold weather and rain that we decided to take a family trip to Walnut Creek and enjoy the sunshine. Ever since Eli was born, I have been anxiously awaiting the day that he would be old enough to take a trek down the river with me and share the bliss of the great outdoors. Unfortunately, Eli is still a little too young to go splashing around in the water with me and the dogs, but he seemed content in sitting with his mama on the river bank watching the dogs and I playing fetch and chasing each other around. Kelvey tried to get Eli to dip his feet in the water a little but I guess it was a little too cold for him because he wouldn't keep them in for very long and kept trying to lift his legs up. I'm happy to see that he is willing to at least give it a try. Hopefully by summer time, when he is a year old, he will be comfortable enough to hit up Barton Springs for a brisk swim in the 68ยบwater. By the way, for those of you that are jealous of our beautiful weather, here is what our fine town looked like 2 days later:
That's right. Over 2 inches of snow fell in central Texas. Crazy.

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