Monday, March 29, 2010

Put your gun fingers in the air!

Eli may not be able to talk yet, but he has developed a pretty efficient way of letting you what he thinks is cool and interesting . . . which is just about everything he sees. A few weeks ago he started pointing at stuff and looking at us to see if we see the same things he does. When we confirm that the object is, in fact, awesome, he will try to reach out and grab it. If it is something he is not allowed to play with, then he will just repeatedly point at it and look at us until he or we get bored and move on to the next coolest thing in the room.
Eli's favorite thing to point at is the ceiling fan. The ceiling fans have been off the entire winter season so he had completely forgot about them until our first warm day of the year when the nanny turned on the one in his bedroom. He initially freaked out at seeing them and would cling onto us in fear and confusion, but he quickly remembered that he used to love watching the hypnotic spin of the ceiling fan blades when he was a wee baby and he cannot take his eyes off of them again. Now when ever he enters a room, the first thing he does is point at the ceiling smile. Then again, maybe he's just trying to say, "Big ups to my boy Biggie, R.I.P.!"

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