It's tough being Eli. It's bad enough that he was born with his dad's hairline, but now he is starting to go bald. You can see in the picture that he has lost a significant amount of hair on the right side of head and he is not happy about it. The funny thing is that he is mainly loosing it on the top of his head so he still has the ring around the bottom. I know I shouldn't laugh, but it looks HILARIOUS. He's like a tiny middle aged man that can't even do a comb over to hide it.
On a serious note, though, I am a little discouraged about his hair falling out. I was hoping that he would keep his beautiful blonde locks, but now we don't know what type of hair he will have.
Reed lost all his birth hair - at 10 months he has had a receding hairline, a bit of premature baldness & a reverse receding hairline as it grew back in. Don't be discouraged :)