Sunday, January 24, 2010

Eli Goes For The Hat Trick!

This past Friday Eli made like Wayne Gretzky and and did three amazing feats within one day. The first thing happened while Eli was at work with me. He had just woken up from his nap in his play-yard and was fussing on his belly for me to come over and pick him up. When I walked over to get him, I looked in his play-yard and was surprised to see him already sitting up! I was befuddled. I could have sworn he was laying down, but within the 2 seconds it took me to walk around my desk, he had already pushed himself up into the sitting position. I thought I was seeing things, but later that night while playing on the living room floor, he did it repeatedly with ease. Crazy.
That same night while playing on the floor, Eli also showed us that he had learned how to scoot across the floor. It wasn't exactly crawling since he was still dragging that belly of his on the ground, but he was definitely making a bee-line for things around the living room. Check it out:

Last but not least, Eli did what I thought was the coolest thing that day. After his nightly bath, Eli was in his crib for his usual "crazy naked time" in which he rolls around laughing and shrieking before putting on his diaper and pajamas. He had paused for a second while sitting up then suddenly grabbed onto the slats of his crib and pulled himself up into a standing position . . . . then he licked his crib in true rock and roll showmanship. The kid's arm strength makes him an awesome climber (it also makes his hugs pretty awesome too) but now he is starting to finally get some strength in his legs. Maybe he will learn to stand and walk and rock climb before he learns to actually crawl!


  1. Looks like 'crazy naked time' is about to get even crazier! :)
    (the video looks to be 'unavailable' -- bummer!)

  2. I am looking forward to an Eli bear hug!

  3. He's got an awesome rock n roll haircut to go along with that showmanship! I love it!
