Eli has been trying his hardest to get around these days, mainly so he can grab everything he sees, and his greediness has him right on the verge of crawling. He has developed a good method of bouncing while sitting up and then lunging forward for momentum, but he hasn't quite gotten the hang of coordinating his arms and legs to propel himself forward on the ground. He's pretty creative, though, and has found other ways to get around. When he's on his belly, he will roll side to side while stretching his body out and will some how inch his way to the dog toy, piece of fuzz, or remote control he wants to play with. He's very sneaky and will creep up on you if you are not paying attention. Then again, there are some times when he isn't able to move at all and you can't help but laugh at his struggle; like when he locks his legs straight instead of bending them under him and he ends up lifting his butt in the air like he's doing a downward-dog yoga position.While he may be struggling on the ground, the boy has a knack for climbing. He has perfected his lunging, grasping, and pulling and has quickly become an immediate risk of escaping any confined space. We had to drop his play yard and crib last week because he was starting to hang over the edge to climb towards us or the dogs. Even when we're just chilling on the couch, he will wiggle has way around to grab pillows, remotes or climb the back of the couch. Here is some bonus footage of Eli bouncing around in his crib and tearing up his bumper before we dropped the mattress. You also get to see him do some clapping, his newest trick that he does every time he's happy:
He's a regular poster-boy for the Happiest Baby on the Block! Here's a clap-clap-clap for you, Eli, and all your joyous activity. Your folks better watch out: it looks to me like you're gonna be on the run soon!